Klint Homes
Where are we?
We’re at home in my 2BR flat in Östra Sorgenfri in Malmö. In Malmö, of course, nothing is that far away, but when two friends of mine moved into the area, I was swayed. And then I fell in love with the flat.
What do you like the most about your home?
That the flat is so well-preserved. The house was built in 1936, and the original details either remain or were renovated in accordance with the time period.
Which colours did you choose and what attracted you to them in particular?
For the living room, I chose the colour Antique. I wanted to paint with a light colour with a little warmth there but not pure white. I also think it stands out and highlights the vaulted ceiling. I painted the bedroom with Mocha Latte, a greyish beige colour that feels calm to me – not too dark and not too light.
Describe your decorating style in three words!
Playful, cosy and personal.
What were you most satisfied with?
The living room! The adjoining rooms are painted light yellow, and the colours match perfectly. My friends and I spend most of our (waking) hours in this room, and we feel like the atmosphere is homey and warm.
What’s your best tip for anyone who wants to repaint?
Invite some friends over for coffee or wine and painting. Things will go faster, and you’ll have much more fun. Of course, it’s not terribly important for everything to be exact and perfect. Don’t make it a bigger project than what it actually is. It’s okay if everything is not entirely perfect. Don’t make it a bigger project than what it needs to be.
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