
Our sustainability work

This is where we talk about the benefits Klint offers and our sustainability initiatives going forward.
98% less paint to test out a colour

Since our swatches are hand-painted with true-to-life colours, each one consumes only 1 cl of paint. Compared to a 50 cl test bottle, this reduces environmental waste by 98%.

Packaging that’s easy to recycle

Our packaging is easy to pour from and reseal and can be placed directly in a sortable recycling bin when empty.

Swan-ecolabel paint with negligible amounts of VOC

Our wall and ceiling paints bear the Nordic Swan and EU Flower ecolabels and contain less than 1 g/L of VOCs.

Nordic Swan license number: 3096 0033

EU Flower license number: SE/044/010

01 — Environmental impact
Our initiatives today

Do not flush liquid paint residue down the drain. By making it simple for do-it-yourself painters to...

• Understand how to clean painting equipment in an environmentally-friendly manner. ‍

• Understand how to dispose of paint residue in an environmentally-friendly manner.

...we hope to contribute to reducing the amount of paint residue in our oceans and lakes.

02 — Climate impact
Swatches and paint samples

Our hand-made swatches consume only 1 cl of paint per sheet. This reduces paint waste by 98% compared to a traditional test bottle.. This saves precious resources when you test out a colour and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

When you buy one of our swatches or 1 dl paint samples, you help lower these emissions by 0.23 kg of CO2e/sheet or 0.79 kg of CO2e/sample.

Paint and paint equipment

When it’s time to repaint, your impact on the environment primarily depends on a couple of things – partly on the amount of paint required and partly on how much equipment you already own.

About 6 L of paint and a paint kit with equipment are needed to paint a mid-sized room. This would lead to emissions of approx. 23.38 kg of CO2e. By cleaning the equipment properly, it can be saved and reused numerous times.

The next time you want to paint, you’ll only need the paint itself, which emits approx. 3.24 kg of CO2e/litre. The diagram shows a more detailed view of the factors causing emissions.

Painting compared to other forms of decorating

Repainting can transform a room just like buying new furniture or renovating but with less environmental impact. For example, instead of buying a new sofa, you could repaint a mid-sized room 12 times and still cause less environmental harm!

When it’s time to breathe new life into your kitchen, you’re often faced with buying new appliances or giving your existing kitchen a much-needed facelift. It’s considerably better for the environment if you refresh and restore your current kitchen, e.g. by repainting the cabinets and trim. This involves 97% fewer emissions compared to a whole new kitchen. If you prefer to buy new, it’s often sufficient to replace the cabinets and trim and repaint them, cutting down on the emissions by 60%.

How do we measure our carbon dioxide emissions?

To enable easier measurement, carbon dioxide emissions are typically divided into three different areas called “scopes”. Across all three scopes, our total emissions amount to around 70 tonnes of CO2e/year.

Scope 1 — Direct emissions

Scope 1 refers to CO2e emissions originating from our own facilities, such as warehouses and factories, and fuel emissions from our own vehicles.

• Currently, these only account for a small fraction of our overall emissions – so little that it’s almost negligible.

Scope 2 — Indirect emissions

Scope 2 includes emissions associated with electricity consumed in our facilities and offices.

• Scope 2 currently accounts for approx. 8.5% of our emissions.

Scope 3 — Other indirect emissions

Scope 3 includes all other emissions that can be linked to our business in any way. Among other things, this includes emissions from our manufacturers, suppliers, and transport and waste from our own business. Even emissions associated with product recycling and packaging are included in the calculations.

• Scope 3 currently accounts for approx. 91.5% of our emissions.

How we’re working to lower our emissions

Based on our life cycle analysis, it’s clear that the vast majority of our emissions take place within Scope 3; this is where there is the greatest potential for improvement. We’ve summarised the areas in Scope 3 in which we’re actively working to reduce our impact on the environment below.

Raw material procurement

Raw material procurement is the area that offers the greatest potential for improvement. This is affected, e.g. by the amount of renewable or recyclable material used in paint and paint equipment, how far our products are shipped before they are actually used in the home etc. Even the containers used to transport the products play a role. Since a small change in the material composition of our products can make a huge difference, this is our main area of focus when it comes to reducing our impact on the environment.

Packaging efficiency

Another area of improvement concerns all the parcels that we ship. By improving our ability to select the right kind of packaging for a particular order, we can ensure that the packaging is more suitable for the products to be shipped. In this way, we reduce the amount of air in the parcel and, hopefully, also the amount of padding and cushioning. This should add up to lower emissions per parcel.

Our life cycle analysis was last updated on 01/08/2022.

Suggestions on how we can improve?

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