Klint Homes

Fabienne Meyer

Fabienne Meyer aka Bings is a Berlin based painter as well as founder of Supergloo PR & creative studio.
In her large oil artworks on canvas or smaller sketches on paper she captures everyday life and includes scenes and characters from children’s movies from the 80s that serve as major inspiration for her works.
Fabienne Meyer

Where are we, and how did you end up here of all places?

In our Berlin apartment in Kreuzberg, Bergmannkiez. My boyfriend and I moved in about three years ago (when it was still easier to find an apartment in Berlin). I moved here for work and didn’t plan on staying that much — but how it sometimes is, you fall in love with the city and especially the people you meet.

What do you like the most about your home?

I love that it resembles our characters very much. It is eclectic, filled with a mix of beautiful vintage finds, modern aesthetics and art. At the same time, it is heavily packed with graphic novels, action figures, and collectibles from our childhood. There is a lot to discover and you always come across something you haven’t seen before when you visit our place. The apartment also has beautiful wing doors connecting the two main rooms, which creates a very open and inviting feeling — also makes it look bigger than it is.

"You always come across something you haven’t seen before when you visit our place."
living room

How and when did your artistry started?

I always used to paint — my mother was a huge inspiration to me, taking me to art classes and introducing me to colour and canvases. Then, when I moved to Berlin I wanted to explore my artistic side more and started to paint whenever I had the time. After showing some of my first artworks on social media, people started noticing and soon after the first gallery approached me. Ever since I just didn’t stop creating and am very happy to call myself an artist now.

What inspires you the most in your work as an artist?

My love for films – a lot of the time. My artworks are inspired by scenes from my favorite movies, or I try to recreate a feeling a specific movie evokes in me. Mostly, I always come back to the American children’s movies of the 80s. Also, I paint at home — I used to have a studio for a second but I was just never inspired to paint when I got there and lost so much time on the way. So I paint at home which can be a challenge, but I love living with my artworks — lucky for me, my boyfriend doesn’t mind either.

living room

Which colours have you chosen and what made you stick with them?

We decided if we were going to paint, it would have to be something bold. The kitchen was never a place where we stayed longer than we needed, because it just didn’t feel that special. When we first talked about painting it, we didn’t think about the cabinets and the shelves, but they made all the difference in the end. We decided to create an underwater feeling and choose the bold bright blue Aloha. We have a little soy fish lamp in the kitchen, so now it really all comes together quite beautifully. Also, the older IKEA kitchen looks all new and it is currently my favorite room in the apartment. 

For the living room, I got a little Friends inspired and we went for a lighter purple tone, since we didn’t want it to be too dark and also this is the room where a lot of my quite colourful art is stored. But it also made such a difference and it is fun to see how the colour tone changes with the light situation.


Describe your decorating style in three words!

Eclectic, nostalgic, quirky

Do you have any tips for anyone who wants to repaint? 

Go for it! We actually didn’t think about it that long and that was a good decision after all. Also, painting shelves and cabinets in the same colour as the wall can look really cool!

When ordering the samples, we had them stuck on the wall for about three days, and could really see how the colour tones looked during the day vs. in the evening.

The results
living room
living room
Fabienne's colours
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