Klint Homes

Julia Mårtensson

In the heart of Stockholm, in the Sibirien area, Julia lives in a cozy one-bedroom apartment. She fell in love with the apartment at first sight – and with her carefully selected colours, she has transformed the home into a vibrant and joyful space.

Where are we, and how did you end up here of all places? 

We are in a 30-square-meter one-bedroom apartment in the Sibirien area of Stockholm. It was truly love at first sight when I walked in. I could immediately picture myself living here; all it needed was some colour on the walls. I’m within walking distance to my family, my friends, and cozy cafés and restaurants, which sealed the deal.

What do you like most about your home?

My yellow walls, painted in the shade 48 – Radiance. They make the space feel bright and sunny, even though I live on the ground floor and don’t get direct sunlight. The windows face northeast, and the colour is delightful at all hours of the day.

"Let yourself be inspired by paintings and art!"

How did you think about the colour scheme for your home?

I make a lot of decisions impulsively, and that’s the case for the colour choices here as well. Most of the colours have the same depth/intensity, and I think that’s contributed to a cohesive feel, despite using many different colours. I experimented with swatches that I left on the wall for a few days. Then I took down the ones that didn’t feel right, and eventually, just one or two remained – those were the final choices!

What colours did you choose, and what drew you to them?

I painted both the walls and the shelf in the living room in 48 – Radiance, a perfect yellow that I never get tired of. In the bedroom, I have 33 – Lush on the walls and 17 – Verdure on the woodwork for a tone-on-tone effect. Green feels very cozy in the bedroom, and I think it’s an easy colour to match. I built the dining table myself and painted it in 67 – Rioja which became a real statement piece. The IVAR cabinet in the bedroom is painted in 46 – Cayenne which I think complements the green very nicely. Then there’s a narrow wall between the windows in the living room that I painted in 58 – Purple Rain I like how it breaks up the space between the yellow curtains.

Describe your interior design style in three words!

Playful, curated, and HAPPY. You should feel happy when you open the door to your home.

living room

What are you most satisfied with?

Even though the decisions about the colours were very spontaneous, I think it feels like a cohesive palette. It doesn’t feel scattered, and I’m very satisfied with that.

Do you have any tips for someone looking to repaint?

Let yourself be inspired by paintings and art! The colour schemes are often thoughtful and harmonious, and by selecting colours from the artwork, you get colours that work beautifully together.

The results
Julia's colours
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